Apollo Light  Common Problems and Troubleshooting

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Written By David Biden

David Biden is not just a writer; he is a genuine expert in the field of electric scooters. As a passionate owner of electric scooters himself, he has dedicated countless hours to exploring and honing his knowledge, all fueled by a sincere enthusiasm for this eco-friendly mode of transportation.

Apollo Light Electric Scooter Common Problems and Troubleshooting

In this article, we will delve into common problems that Apollo Light Electric Scooter owners may encounter and provide solutions to address these problems. Whether you are new to electric scooters or have been riding for a while, understanding and resolving these issues can help you make the most of your Apollo Light Electric Scooter.

Apollo Light Electric Scooter Overview

The Apollo Light Electric Scooter is a standout option in the world of electric scooters. It offers impressive speed, durability, and a range of benefits, all at a very competitive price point. This scooter is an excellent choice for newcomers to the electric scooter scene who want to maximize value for their investment.

MotorBatteryCharge TimeSingle-Charge MileageMax SpeedClimbing RangeBraking SystemLightingHornMax LoadScooter WeightProduct MaterialFolding HandlebarFolding Steering TubeSuspensionSize (L x W x H, cm)Water Resistance
Max 600w Peak Output, Continuous Power 350w48v 10.2ah6 Hours22 miles (35km) (depending on road conditions and the weight of the rider)22 mph (35km/h) (top speed is dependent on the weight of the rider)10 degrees (varies depending on charge state and weight of the rider)Rear Drum Brake with Motor Re-Generative BrakingFront and rear LED lights – for visibility, not nighttime useNo horn220 lbs. (100kg)37 lbs. (17kg)Forged aluminumScrew threadStandard folding mechanismFront dual fork, Rear dual springFolded: 99cm X 17.5cm X 40cmIP54

Causes of Common Problems with the Apollo Light Electric Scooter

In the upcoming sections of this article, we will explore the common issues that Apollo Light Electric Scooter users might face and provide troubleshooting tips to resolve these problems.

Common Problems with the Apollo Light Electric Scooter

1. Motor Power Loss

Description: Some users may experience a loss of power in the motor, resulting in reduced speed and performance.

Cause: This issue can occur due to overheating or a malfunction in the motor system.

Troubleshooting: To address this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the scooter and let it cool down for at least 15 minutes if overheating is suspected.
  2. If the issue persists, check for loose motor connections and tighten them if necessary.
  3. If the problem continues, contact Apollo Light customer support for further assistance.

2. Battery Charging Problems

Description: Users may encounter difficulties with the scooter’s battery not charging properly or holding a charge.

Cause: This issue can be caused by a faulty charger, damaged battery, or poor charging practices.

Troubleshooting: To resolve charging problems, follow these steps:

  1. Check the charger’s connections and make sure it’s securely plugged into the scooter and the power source.
  2. Inspect the battery for any visible damage or signs of wear. If damaged, it may need replacement.
  3. Ensure you are following the recommended charging times and not overcharging the battery.

3. Inconsistent Braking

Description: Some riders may experience inconsistent or weak braking, which can be a safety concern.

Cause: This problem may be due to worn brake pads, air in the brake lines, or brake system issues.

Troubleshooting: To address braking problems, follow these steps:

  1. Inspect the brake pads for wear and replace them if they are significantly worn down.
  2. Bleed the brake lines to rEmove air, ensuring a firm and consistent brake feel.
  3. If the issue persists, contact Apollo Light customer support for a brake system inspection.

4. Limited Range

Description: Users may notice that the scooter’s range is less than expected, resulting in shorter rides.

Cause: Reduced range can be caused by factors such as low battery capacity or increased rider weight.

Troubleshooting: To address limited range issues, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the battery is fully charged before each ride to maximize range.
  2. Consider the impact of your weight and riding conditions on the scooter’s range.

5. Handlebar Stability

Description: Some users may experience wobbling or instability in the scooter’s handlebar, affecting control.

Cause: This problem can arise from loose or improperly secured handlebar components.

Troubleshooting: To address handlebar stability issues, follow these steps:

  1. Check and tighten all handlebar components, including the screws and bolts.
  2. Ensure the handlebar is properly aligned with the scooter’s frame for stability.

6. Uneven Tire Wear

Description: Some riders may notice uneven tire wear, which can affect the scooter’s performance and safety.

Cause: This issue can be caused by imbalanced weight distribution, incorrect tire pressure, or poor alignment.

Troubleshooting: To address uneven tire wear, follow these steps:

  1. Regularly check and maintain proper tire pressure to ensure even wear.
  2. Inspect the scooter’s alignment and make necessary adjustments if misalignment is detected.

7. Sudden Loss of Power

Description: Riders may experience a sudden loss of power, leading to the scooter stopping unexpectedly.

Cause: This issue can be due to a low battery, loose wiring connections, or motor system problems.

Troubleshooting: To resolve sudden power loss, follow these steps:

  1. Check the battery status and recharge if it’s low. Always carry a spare charger for longer rides.
  2. Inspect wiring connections for any loose or damaged wires and address them accordingly.
  3. If the problem persists, seek professional assistance to diagnose motor system issues.

8. Noisy Ride

Description: Some users may encounter excessive noise during their rides, which can be both irritating and indicative of issues.

Cause: Noisy rides can result from loose components, worn parts, or improper maintenance.

Troubleshooting: To address a noisy ride, follow these steps:

  1. Inspect and tighten all components, such as bolts, screws, and handlebars, to reduce rattling and noise.
  2. Check for any worn parts, especially in the suspension or wheels, and replace as needed.
  3. Maintain regular maintenance to keep the scooter in optimal condition and minimize noise.

9. Electrical Malfunctions

Description: Electrical malfunctions, such as non-responsive displays or lights, can disrupt the scooter’s functionality.

Cause: These issues can be due to wiring problems, faulty components, or water damage.

Troubleshooting: To address electrical malfunctions, follow these steps:

  1. Check all electrical connections for loose or damaged wires and secure them properly.
  2. If the issue persists, consult the scooter’s user manual or contact customer support for guidance on specific electrical problems.

10. Uneven Suspension Performance

Description: Riders may experience inconsistencies in the scooter’s suspension, leading to a less comfortable ride.

Cause: Uneven suspension performance can be caused by improper adjustment, worn suspension components, or damage.

Troubleshooting: To address uneven suspension performance, follow these steps:

  1. Inspect the suspension system for signs of wear and replace worn components as necessary.
  2. Adjust the suspension settings to your preference or according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

11. Loose Handlebar Grips

Description: Users may notice that the handlebar grips become loose over time, affecting control and comfort.

Cause: This problem can be caused by wear and tear or improper installation of the grips.

Troubleshooting: To address loose handlebar grips, follow these steps:

  1. Tighten the grips by adjusting or replacing them to ensure a secure fit.
  2. Check for any underlying issues with the handlebar components that may be causing the grips to loosen.

12. Inadequate Lighting

Description: Some riders may find the front and rear LED lights insufficient for nighttime use, affecting visibility.

Cause: Inadequate lighting can result from low-quality or underpowered light components.

Troubleshooting: To improve lighting, follow these steps:

  1. Consider adding additional external lights or reflectors to enhance visibility during nighttime rides.
  2. If the issue persists, consult with Apollo Light for possible upgrades or lighting recommendations.

13. Handlebar Alignment Issues

Description: Some users may experience handlebar misalignment, leading to steering difficulties.

Cause: Handlebar misalignment can occur due to improper assembly, impact, or wear and tear.

Troubleshooting: To address handlebar alignment issues, follow these steps:

  1. Carefully inspect the handlebar’s alignment and make necessary adjustments to ensure it is properly aligned with the scooter’s frame.
  2. If the problem persists, consult the user manual or seek professional assistance for precise adjustments.

14. Inaccurate Battery Indicator

Description: The scooter’s battery indicator may sometimes display inaccurate information, causing confusion about the remaining charge.

Cause: Inaccurate battery indicators can result from calibration issues or battery system malfunctions.

Troubleshooting: To address inaccurate battery indicators, follow these steps:

  1. Recalibrate the battery indicator by fully charging the scooter and allowing it to drain completely several times to reset the battery gauge.
  2. If recalibration doesn’t resolve the issue, contact Apollo Light’s customer support for guidance on potential battery system problems.

15. Difficult Folding Mechanism

Description: Some users may encounter challenges with the scooter’s folding mechanism, making it difficult to fold and transport.

Cause: Difficulties in folding the scooter can be due to debris, dirt, or misalignment in the folding components.

Troubleshooting: To address folding mechanism issues, follow these steps:

  1. Clean and lubricate the folding components to ensure smooth operation.
  2. Inspect for any misalignment or obstructions that may be hindering the folding process and address them accordingly.

16. Uneven Tire Pressure

Description: Riders may encounter issues with uneven tire pressure, affecting the scooter’s stability and performance.

Cause: Uneven tire pressure can result from infrequent maintenance or minor air leaks.

Troubleshooting: To address uneven tire pressure, follow these steps:

  1. Regularly check and adjust the tire pressure to the recommended levels to ensure stability and optimal performance.
  2. Inspect the tires for any visible damage or punctures and repair or replace them as needed.

17. Limited Accessories Compatibility

Description: Some users may find that certain accessories or add-ons are not easily compatible with the scooter.

Cause: Limited compatibility can be due to the scooter’s design or dimensions, which may not accommodate all accessories.

Troubleshooting: To address compatibility issues, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you choose accessories specifically designed for the scooter or consult the manufacturer for compatible options.
  2. If you encounter compatibility issues, contact customer support for guidance on suitable accessories.

18. Inconsistent Suspension Performance

Description: Riders may experience inconsistencies in the scooter’s suspension, leading to a less comfortable ride.

Cause: Inconsistent suspension performance can be caused by changes in temperature, terrain, or wear and tear on suspension components.

Troubleshooting: To address suspension issues, follow these steps:

  1. Adjust the suspension settings to match the specific riding conditions, such as smoother settings for city streets and firmer settings for rough terrain.
  2. Regularly inspect and maintain the suspension components for optimal performance.

19. Unexpected Shutdowns

Description: Some riders may experience unexpected scooter shutdowns, which can be a safety concern during rides.

Cause: These shutdowns can result from electrical or battery system issues, overheating, or controller malfunctions.

Troubleshooting: To address unexpected shutdowns, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the scooter is not overheating by allowing it to cool down during longer rides.
  2. Check the battery status and wiring connections for any issues and address them as needed.
  3. If the problem persists, contact Apollo Light customer support for a thorough diagnosis and repair.

20. Handlebar Vibration

Description: Users may experience handlebar vibrations during rides, which can reduce comfort and control.

Cause: Handlebar vibrations can result from rough riding conditions or improperly tightened components.

Troubleshooting: To address handlebar vibration issues, follow these steps:

  1. Inspect and tighten all handlebar components, ensuring that they are securely fastened.
  2. Consider using handlebar grips with vibration-dampening properties for added comfort.

21. Worn Brake Pads

Description: Users may notice that the brake pads on the scooter wear down quickly, affecting braking performance.

Cause: This issue can result from frequent use, riding conditions, and brake pad quality.

Troubleshooting: To address worn brake pads, follow these steps:

  1. Regularly inspect the brake pads and replace them when they are significantly worn to maintain effective braking.
  2. Consider using high-quality, durable brake pads for longer pad life and better performance.

22. Loose or Unstable Folding Mechanism

Description: Some users may experience a loose or unstable folding mechanism, making it challenging to fold or carry the scooter.

Cause: This problem can be due to wear and tear, improper assembly, or misaligned folding components.

Troubleshooting: To address folding mechanism issues, follow these steps:

  1. Inspect and tighten all folding components to ensure a secure and stable folding mechanism.
  2. If the issue persists, check for misalignment or worn parts, and address them as needed.

23. Unresponsive Acceleration

Description: Some riders may experience unresponsive acceleration, where the scooter does not speed up as expected.

Cause: This issue can be caused by throttle or controller problems, as well as low battery levels.

Troubleshooting: To address unresponsive acceleration, follow these steps:

  1. Check the throttle and controller for any loose or damaged connections and repair or replace them if necessary.
  2. Ensure the scooter’s battery is adequately charged to allow for responsive acceleration.

24. Uneven Weight Distribution

Description: Uneven weight distribution can lead to handling problems, such as difficulty maintaining balance and control.

Cause: This issue typically results from rider posture and cargo placement on the scooter.

Troubleshooting: To address weight distribution problems, follow these steps:

  1. Maintain a balanced and centered riding posture, distributing your weight evenly over the scooter.
  2. If carrying cargo, secure it in a way that does not disrupt the scooter’s balance or handling.

25. Rattling or Loose Accessories

Description: Users may experience rattling or loose accessories, which can be both annoying and potentially hazardous during rides.

Cause: Accessories can become loose due to vibrations, improper installation, or low-quality mounting hardware.

Troubleshooting: To address accessory issues, follow these steps:

  1. Regularly inspect and tighten accessories to prevent them from coming loose during rides.
  2. Use high-quality mounting hardware and ensure proper installation to minimize vibrations and rattling.

Apollo Light Electric Scooter User Reviews

Real user feedback can provide valuable insights into the Apollo Light Electric Scooter’s performance and overall satisfaction. In this section, we’ll summarize both the positive and negative reviews from Apollo Light Electric Scooter users to give you a better understanding of their experiences.

Positive Reviews from Apollo Light Electric Scooter Users

  • Some users were satisfied with the impressive speed and performance of the Apollo Light Electric Scooter. They found it to be a thrilling and efficient mode of transportation for their daily commutes, making their journeys more enjoyable and time-saving.
  • Many riders praised the scooter’s portability and ease of use. They appreciated the scooter’s lightweight design, foldable features, and the convenience it offered for urban mobility. Users mentioned that it was a breeze to carry and store when not in use.
  • Several customers highlighted the scooter’s eco-friendly nature and cost-effectiveness. They found that the Apollo Light Electric Scooter allowed them to reduce their carbon footprint while saving money on gas and public transportation. This combination of environmental benefits and affordability was a significant advantage for these users.
  • Users also commended the scooter’s battery life and range. They reported that it provided a sufficient and reliable travel distance on a single charge, making it suitable for longer commutes without frequent recharging.
  • Many riders enjoyed the stylish and sleek design of the Apollo Light Electric Scooter. They felt that it was not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing, garnering compliments from onlookers during their rides.

Overall, these positive reviews highlight the Apollo Light Electric Scooter’s strengths in terms of performance, portability, eco-friendliness, battery life, and design. Users expressed satisfaction with various aspects of the scooter, making it a popular choice for many urban commuters.

Negative User Reviews of the Apollo Light Electric Scooter

  • Some users were not satisfied with the scooter’s limited suspension and its performance on rough or uneven terrain. They found the ride less comfortable when encountering bumps and potholes, which affected their overall experience.
  • A few customers expressed concerns about the scooter’s durability, particularly in heavy rain or wet conditions. They encountered issues with water entering electrical components, resulting in performance problems and the need for repairs.
  • Several users mentioned that the scooter’s braking system left room for improvement. They felt that it could be more responsive and effective, especially at higher speeds, leading to safety concerns during sudden stops.
  • Some riders were disappointed by the scooter’s climbing capability. They found that it struggled on steeper inclines, limiting its versatility for hilly areas and requiring them to exert more effort.
  • A handful of customers mentioned minor build quality issues, such as loose handlebar grips and rattling accessories. These issues, while not critical, detracted from the overall user experience.

Despite these negative aspects, it’s worth noting that the majority of users expressed satisfaction with their Apollo Light Electric Scooter. While some drawbacks were identified, they were often outweighed by the scooter’s positive attributes.

Apollo Light Electric Scooter Manual

The operating instructions and user manual for the Apollo Light Electric Scooter can be found on the manufacturer’s website. You can access the manual by visiting the official website of Apollo Light Electric Scooter at Manufacturer’s Website.

Apollo Light Electric Scooter Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I properly maintain my Apollo Light Electric Scooter?

Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping your scooter in top condition. Here are some essential maintenance tips:

  • Keep the scooter clean and free of debris, especially around the wheels and motor.
  • Check tire pressure regularly and ensure they are properly inflated.
  • Lubricate moving parts, like the folding mechanism, as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Inspect the brakes for wear and adjust or replace brake pads as needed.
  • Charge the battery as per the recommended guidelines to maximize its lifespan.

2. What should I do if my scooter’s battery performance is decreasing?

If you notice a decrease in battery performance, consider these steps:

  • Ensure you are charging the battery correctly, following the recommended charging times and practices.
  • Check for any apps or devices connected to your scooter that may be draining the battery unnecessarily.
  • If the issue persists, it might be time to replace the battery. Contact customer support for assistance.

3. How can I troubleshoot common problems with the Apollo Light Electric Scooter?

When facing common issues, follow these general troubleshooting steps:

  • Refer to the user manual and manufacturer’s guidelines for problem-specific solutions.
  • Check for loose or damaged components and connections, such as wiring and brake systems.
  • If you cannot resolve the issue, contact customer service or visit an authorized service center for professional assistance.


For any problems or issues with your Apollo Light Electric Scooter, it is advisable to refer to the user manual for specific guidance. Additionally, do not hesitate to reach out to customer service or visit an authorized service center whenever necessary. They can provide you with expert assistance to ensure your scooter remains in optimal condition.

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