Hiboy NEX Common Problems and Troubleshooting

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Written By David Biden

David Biden is not just a writer; he is a genuine expert in the field of electric scooters. As a passionate owner of electric scooters himself, he has dedicated countless hours to exploring and honing his knowledge, all fueled by a sincere enthusiasm for this eco-friendly mode of transportation.

Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter Common Problems and Troubleshooting

If you’re a proud owner of the Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter, you’ve probably enjoyed the convenience and fun it offers. However, like any electronic device, it’s not immune to common problems. In this article, we’ll explore the typical issues that users may encounter with the Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter and provide troubleshooting solutions to keep you rolling smoothly.

Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter Overview

The Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter is a sleek and stylish option for those looking to travel around town with ease. With a focus on portability and performance, this scooter offers several key features that make it an attractive choice:

Product DetailsSpecificationKey Features
Weight (lbs)25Portability: Folding Frame
Rider Weight (lbs)180Speed (mph): 13
Tire Size (inches)8.5Range (miles): 13
Tire TypeSolid RubberMax Incline (%): 15
Charge Time (hours)6Suspension: None
BrakesFootExtra Features: Cruise Control, LED Display, LED Lights

The Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter is designed for urban terrain and is suitable for adults. It offers a top speed of 13 mph, a range of 13 miles, and various extra features for added convenience and enjoyment. However, it’s essential to be aware of common problems and how to troubleshoot them to ensure a seamless riding experience.

Causes of Common Problems with the Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter

In the following sections of this article, we’ll delve into the common problems that Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter users may encounter and provide detailed troubleshooting solutions to address these issues. Whether it’s a performance concern or a technical glitch, we’ve got you covered to keep your scooter in top shape.

Common Problems with Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter

1. Battery Not Charging

Description of the problem: Your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter battery is not charging, and you can’t power it up.

Cause of the problem: This issue can occur due to a faulty charger, damaged battery, or poor connections.


  1. Check the charger and make sure it’s plugged into a working outlet. If not, replace the charger.
  2. Inspect the charging port on the scooter for debris or damage. Clean it if necessary, or replace it if damaged.
  3. If the problem persists, consider checking the battery. It may need replacement if it’s not holding a charge.

2. Loss of Power While Riding

Description of the problem: Your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter suddenly loses power while you’re riding it.

Cause of the problem: This issue can be caused by a weak battery, loose wiring, or motor problems.


  1. Check the battery level indicator on the scooter. If it’s low, charge the battery fully before riding.
  2. Inspect all wiring connections to ensure they are secure and not damaged.
  3. If the problem persists, it may be a motor issue. Contact Hiboy’s customer support for further assistance.

3. Non-Responsive Throttle

Description of the problem: The throttle on your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter is not responding when you attempt to accelerate.

Cause of the problem: This issue can be related to a loose or damaged throttle connection or controller malfunction.


  1. Check the throttle connection to the controller and ensure it’s securely plugged in. Reconnect if necessary.
  2. If the throttle cable or controller is damaged, consider replacing them with compatible parts.

4. Uneven or No Braking

Description of the problem: Your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter experiences uneven or no braking, which can be a safety concern.

Cause of the problem: This can be caused by worn brake pads, a malfunctioning brake handle, or issues with the brake cable.


  1. Inspect the brake pads for wear and tear. Replace them if they are worn out.
  2. Check the brake handle for proper operation. If it’s not functioning correctly, consider replacing it.
  3. Examine the brake cable for damage or disconnection. Reconnect or replace if needed.

5. Noisy or Vibrating Ride

Description of the problem: While riding your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter , you experience excessive noise and vibrations.

Cause of the problem: This issue can result from loose components, damaged wheels, or improper tire pressure.


  1. Check all scooter components for tightness and secure any loose parts or connections.
  2. Inspect the wheels for damage or irregularities. Replace them if needed.
  3. Ensure the tires are properly inflated according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

6. Inconsistent Speed

Description of the problem: Your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter exhibits inconsistent speed, slowing down and speeding up unexpectedly.

Cause of the problem: This issue can be due to battery fluctuations, a loose throttle connection, or a faulty motor controller.


  1. Ensure the battery is fully charged, as fluctuations can occur when the battery is not at its optimal level.
  2. Check the throttle connection and controller for any loose or damaged parts. Reconnect or replace as needed.
  3. If the problem persists, the motor controller may need inspection or replacement.

7. Lights Not Working

Description of the problem: The lights on your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter , including the LED display and LED lights, are not functioning properly.

Cause of the problem: This issue may arise from a blown fuse, damaged wiring, or malfunctioning LED components.


  1. Check the scooter’s fuse to see if it’s blown. Replace it if necessary with a fuse of the same rating.
  2. Inspect the wiring for loose or damaged connections. Reconnect or repair the wiring as needed.
  3. If the LED components are damaged, consider replacing them with compatible parts.

8. Sudden Shutdowns

Description of the problem: Your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter shuts down unexpectedly during use, leading to safety concerns.

Cause of the problem: This can be caused by overheating, a malfunctioning battery, or issues with the electrical system.


  1. Allow the scooter to cool down if overheating occurs, and avoid riding in extreme weather conditions that could lead to overheating.
  2. Check the battery’s health and replace it if it’s no longer holding a charge or functioning correctly.
  3. Inspect the scooter’s electrical system for loose connections and repair or replace any faulty components.

9. Wobbly Handlebars

Description of the problem: The handlebars of your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter feel wobbly and unstable, affecting your control.

Cause of the problem: Loose handlebar stem, damaged bearings, or worn-out grips can lead to this issue.


  1. Tighten the handlebar stem to ensure it’s securely in place. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for adjustment.
  2. Inspect the bearings in the handlebar mechanism. Replace any damaged bearings to eliminate wobbliness.
  3. If the grips are worn, consider replacing them with new ones for a firmer and more comfortable hold.

10. Overly Noisy Motor

Description of the problem: The motor of your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter produces excessive noise during operation, which can be bothersome.

Cause of the problem: This issue may stem from loose motor components, damaged bearings, or motor wear and tear.


  1. Inspect the motor for loose or detached components and tighten them as necessary.
  2. Examine the bearings in the motor assembly. Replace damaged or worn bearings to reduce noise.
  3. If the motor is excessively worn or damaged, it may require replacement to restore smooth and quiet operation.

11. Unresponsive LED Display

Description of the problem: The LED display on your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter is not responding or showing any information.

Cause of the problem: This issue may be caused by a loose or damaged connection, a malfunctioning display unit, or electrical issues.


  1. Check the connections leading to the LED display to ensure they are secure and free from damage.
  2. If the display unit itself is malfunctioning, consider replacing it with a compatible unit.
  3. If none of the above steps resolve the issue, inspect the electrical system for potential problems and seek professional assistance if necessary.

12. Handlebar Stuck in a Turned Position

Description of the problem: The handlebar of your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter is stuck in a turned position and doesn’t return to center when released.

Cause of the problem: This issue can be caused by a misaligned steering column, loose components, or issues with the handlebar mechanism.


  1. Check the alignment of the steering column and make adjustments as needed to ensure it’s straight.
  2. Inspect all handlebar components for looseness or damage. Tighten or replace parts as necessary.
  3. If the handlebar mechanism is problematic, consider professional repairs or replacement to regain proper steering control.

13. Acceleration Delay

Description of the problem: Your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter experiences a noticeable delay when accelerating, affecting the scooter’s performance.

Cause of the problem: This issue can be related to a slow response from the motor controller or electrical connection problems.


  1. Check for any loose or damaged connections in the electrical system, especially around the throttle and controller area.
  2. If the delay is due to a slow response from the motor controller, consult the manufacturer’s recommendations for adjustments or consider professional repairs.
  3. Ensure the scooter’s battery is adequately charged, as low power levels can lead to delayed acceleration.

14. Unstable Ride on Uneven Terrain

Description of the problem: Your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter feels unstable and uncomfortable when riding on uneven or bumpy terrain.

Cause of the problem: This issue may be due to the scooter’s lack of suspension and solid rubber tires, which provide less cushioning on rough surfaces.


  1. Consider adjusting your riding style and speed to better accommodate uneven terrain and minimize discomfort.
  2. If you frequently ride on rough surfaces, you might explore the possibility of upgrading to a scooter with suspension for a smoother ride.
  3. In the absence of suspension, you can also experiment with altering the tire pressure to find a balance that provides more comfort on bumpy terrain.

15. Loose or Noisy Folding Mechanism

Description of the problem: The folding mechanism on your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter is loose or produces excessive noise when in use.

Cause of the problem: This issue can be related to worn hinge pins, loose screws, or insufficient lubrication in the folding mechanism.


  1. Inspect the hinge pins and screws in the folding mechanism. Tighten any loose components and replace worn hinge pins if necessary.
  2. Lubricate the folding mechanism with an appropriate lubricant to reduce noise and improve functionality.
  3. If the problem persists, consult the manufacturer’s guidelines or consider professional servicing to address the issue.

16. Uneven Tire Wear

Description of the problem: The tires on your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter show uneven wear patterns, affecting stability and performance.

Cause of the problem: This issue can be attributed to improper tire pressure, misaligned wheels, or uneven riding surfaces.


  1. Regularly check and maintain the recommended tire pressure to ensure even wear and improved stability.
  2. Inspect the alignment of the wheels and make necessary adjustments to ensure they are straight and properly aligned.
  3. Consider your riding habits and try to avoid uneven or abrasive surfaces to extend tire life and maintain balance.

17. Overheating Motor

Description of the problem: The motor of your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter frequently overheats during use, causing concerns about performance and safety.

Cause of the problem: Overheating can result from prolonged or demanding rides, insufficient cooling, or motor issues.


  1. Avoid extended and demanding rides to prevent the motor from overheating. Allow time for cooling breaks during longer journeys.
  2. Check for debris or obstructions around the motor and cooling components. Clean the area to enhance cooling efficiency.
  3. If the overheating issue persists, inspect the motor for problems and seek professional assistance if needed.

18. Frequent Tire Punctures

Description of the problem: Your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter experiences frequent tire punctures, leading to inconvenient interruptions and repair costs.

Cause of the problem: This issue can result from riding on sharp or debris-covered surfaces, low-quality tires, or insufficient tire maintenance.


  1. Avoid riding on rough or debris-laden surfaces, and prioritize smooth, clean paths to minimize the risk of tire punctures.
  2. Consider upgrading to higher-quality, puncture-resistant tires that can withstand more challenging riding conditions.
  3. Maintain proper tire pressure and routinely inspect your tires for any foreign objects, punctures, or wear and tear.

19. Worn Out Brake Pads

Description of the problem: The brake pads on your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter are excessively worn, reducing braking efficiency and safety.

Cause of the problem: Worn brake pads can result from extended use, harsh braking, or poor maintenance practices.


  1. Replace worn-out brake pads with new ones to restore optimal braking performance and safety.
  2. Adjust your braking habits to avoid harsh or sudden stops, which can accelerate brake pad wear.
  3. Perform regular brake maintenance, such as cleaning and inspecting the brake system, to prevent premature pad wear.

20. Inaccurate Speedometer Readings

Description of the problem: The speedometer on your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter provides inaccurate readings, making it challenging to gauge your speed.

Cause of the problem: Inaccuracy can occur due to sensor issues, wheel diameter discrepancies, or electronic malfunctions.


  1. Check the sensor connections and ensure they are securely attached to the scooter’s control unit.
  2. Verify that the wheel diameter setting on the scooter matches the actual size of your scooter’s wheels to improve speedometer accuracy.
  3. If the issue persists, consult the manufacturer’s guidelines or seek professional assistance for resolving the speedometer problem.

21. Loose Handlebar Grips

Description of the problem: The handlebar grips on your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter are loose, affecting your grip and control while riding.

Cause of the problem: This issue may result from wear and tear, improper installation, or aging grips.


  1. Tighten or adjust the handlebar grip components to ensure they are secure and provide a firm grip.
  2. If the grips are excessively worn or damaged, consider replacing them with new ones for better control and comfort.
  3. Properly install or reposition the grips, following the manufacturer’s guidelines to prevent future loosening.

22. Unresponsive Cruise Control

Description of the problem: The cruise control feature on your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter is not responding, making it difficult to maintain a constant speed.

Cause of the problem: This issue can result from electronic malfunctions, sensor problems, or a faulty control unit.


  1. Check the sensor connections related to the cruise control feature and ensure they are properly attached to the scooter’s control unit.
  2. Verify that the electronic components involved in cruise control are functioning correctly and replace any faulty parts if necessary.
  3. If the problem persists, refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines or seek professional assistance to diagnose and repair the cruise control issue.

23. Unstable Kickstand

Description of the problem: The kickstand on your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter is unstable and struggles to support the scooter’s weight when parked.

Cause of the problem: This issue may arise from loose connections, damaged kickstand components, or an improperly adjusted stand.


  1. Inspect the kickstand for loose or detached parts and secure them in place for enhanced stability.
  2. If the kickstand components are damaged, consider replacing them with compatible parts to ensure proper support.
  3. Adjust the kickstand according to the manufacturer’s guidelines to achieve better stability when parking your scooter.

24. Uneven Headlight Illumination

Description of the problem: The headlight on your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter provides uneven illumination, with dark spots or irregular brightness.

Cause of the problem: This issue may result from misaligned headlight components, damaged bulbs, or electrical problems.


  1. Inspect the alignment of the headlight components and make necessary adjustments to achieve even illumination.
  2. Replace damaged or burnt-out headlight bulbs with new ones to ensure consistent brightness.
  3. If electrical issues persist, seek professional assistance to diagnose and repair the headlight problem properly.

25. Handlebar Wobble at High Speeds

Description of the problem: Your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter experiences handlebar wobble at high speeds, making it challenging to maintain control.

Cause of the problem: High-speed handlebar wobble can be due to misalignment, loose components, or steering column issues.


  1. Check the alignment of the steering column and handlebar to ensure they are straight and properly adjusted.
  2. Inspect all handlebar components for looseness or damage, and tighten or replace them as needed to prevent wobbling.
  3. If the wobbling persists, consider seeking professional assistance for a more thorough diagnosis and repair.

Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter User Reviews

One of the most valuable sources of information when considering a purchase is user feedback. Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter users have shared their experiences, both positive and negative, which can provide valuable insights for potential buyers. In this section, we’ll summarize the feedback from real users to help you make an informed decision.

Positive Reviews from Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter Users

  • Some users were satisfied with the impressive speed and range of the Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter, allowing for efficient and enjoyable urban commuting.
  • Many users praised the scooter’s portability due to its folding frame, making it easy to carry or store when not in use.
  • Several riders appreciated the added convenience of the LED display and LED lights, which enhanced their visibility and control during night rides.
  • Users commended the stylish design and aesthetic of the Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter, which added a sense of pride when riding through the city.
  • Some found the cruise control feature to be a great addition, providing a more relaxed and consistent riding experience on flat terrains.

Overall, many users have expressed positive feedback about the Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter, highlighting its speed, portability, convenience, design, and additional features that enhance the riding experience.

Negative User Reviews of the Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter

  • Some users were not satisfied with the lack of suspension, which led to an uncomfortable ride on uneven and bumpy surfaces.
  • Several riders mentioned issues with tire wear and frequent punctures when riding on rough terrains, which resulted in additional maintenance and costs.
  • A few users experienced problems with the scooter’s battery, including issues with charging and rapid depletion of the battery capacity.
  • Negative feedback was also related to the scooter’s performance on steep inclines, where some found it struggled to maintain speed and power.
  • There were reports of loose handlebar grips that affected the user’s grip and control while riding.

While the majority of users had positive experiences with the Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter, there were some concerns related to the lack of suspension, tire wear, battery issues, performance on inclines, and handlebar grips. It’s essential to consider these points and determine if they align with your specific needs and expectations.

Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter Manual

The operating instructions and user manual for the Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter can be found on the official website of the manufacturer. You can access the manual by visiting the manufacturer’s website at Manufacturer’s Website to obtain detailed information on how to operate and maintain your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I improve the ride comfort on my Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter?

To enhance ride comfort, you can consider adjusting the tire pressure to suit your preferences and riding conditions. Additionally, wearing appropriate safety gear, such as a comfortable helmet and suitable footwear, can improve overall comfort and safety during your rides.

2. What should I do if my scooter experiences battery-related problems, such as not charging or quick depletion?

If you encounter battery-related issues, first ensure that the charger is functioning correctly and properly connected. If the problem persists, consider checking the battery’s health, and if it’s not holding a charge, it may need replacement. It’s advisable to refer to the user manual for battery maintenance guidelines.

3. Is it safe to ride the Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter on hilly or steep terrains?

The Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter is designed for urban commuting and relatively flat terrains. Riding on steep inclines may affect the scooter’s performance and speed. It’s recommended to avoid extremely steep slopes to ensure safety and optimal scooter operation.


For any issues or problems with your Hiboy NEX Electric Scooter, always refer to the user manual for guidance on operation and maintenance. In case of persistent issues, don’t hesitate to contact the customer service or a certified service center for professional assistance and support.

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